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Rack and Containment

Aisle Containment

Aisle containment for data centers is a mechanism or system designed to control the airflow within a data center by dividing the space along the aisles into distinct sections. The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency of IT equipment cooling and reduce energy consumption for environmental control within the data center. Additionally, it offers benefits for optimizing the overall layout. There are two main concepts: “Hot Aisle Containment” (HAC) and “Cold Aisle Containment” (CAC).

Hot Aisle Containment (HAC)

Working principle: This system transforms the aisle into a pathway that captures the hot air expelled by IT
equipment. It controls the internal air conditions within the “hot aisle,” increasing the temperature in that
pathway, which is then directed for cooling.


  • Reduces energy consumption for cooling.
  • Improves control over temperatures affecting IT equipment.
  • Enhances efficiency in heat dissipation.

Cold Aisle Containment (CAC)

Working principle: In contrast to HAC, this system creates a “cold aisle” that captures and controls the entry of cool air into the IT equipment. Additionally, the hot air expelled from the equipment is redirected for cooling purposes.


  • Reduces energy consumption for cooling.
  • Improves control over temperatures affecting IT equipment.
  • Enhances efficiency in heat dissipation.

The choice of which system to use depends on the specific design and requirements of the data center, including the arrangement of IT equipment and the environmental conditions both inside and outside the facility.

Huawei FusionModule5000

Dual-row aisle containment

Dual-row aisle containment

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